
Friday, May 16, 2014

Spiderman Lets See How Far We've Come

So, as I mentioned last week or sometime ago I watched The Amazing Spiderman 2 and fell in love with Spiderman and Peter Parker all over again. So in love, that I wanted to do the same song things that Viria does. I worked close to nonstop after school everyday on it since probably around Monday or Tuesday last week. And I apologize that my panels are not as neat and organized as Viria's. I wanted to make them all beautiful and try doing it on the computer with my tablet but I didn't have time and I'm still not experienced enough in tablet technology.

Click this link that will take you to youtube and the song and then come back and scroll along with the words. Enjoy!!

Well I hope you liked it! I worked very hard on it and I really hope that someday I can do another one of these but on the computer like Viria's. I'm very sorry if I have caused you grief with the one panel but I was kinda hoping for that. :D I also apologize for the rushed job in shading but I was kinda in a hurry. Well as always comment what you would like to see next. I'll try to keep posting over the summer but I make no promises. I'll try my best though. 

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