Welcome to the amazing blogging site of Aria DiCesaris! :D My blog is going to be mainly art and short stories and the occasional book review and sometimes comparing it to the movie if there is one. I draw cartoon/anime characters from shows. If you have any requests for characters you want to see as a drawing I will try my best to draw them. Some websites I found that are similar to mine are http://thegardenofclio.com This blog site is short stories and book reviews and occasionally comparing the book to the movie. The next one is http://www.mangalessons.com where they have step by step how to draw manga characters (a form of anime). And the last one is http://mangadrawing.net where they just have a lot of pictures of anime people, mine will all be drawings though.
What I do when I draw is I find a picture of an anime character that I like and I copy that picture, I don't trace it. Depending on how much time I want to spend on the drawing sometimes I will shade it in too. My short stories are usually fan fiction of a book or they could be just an idea that I develop more and more. I might post some of the longer stories in smaller increments if I feel it is getting to long, and to add a slight cliff hanger to the story. :P Lastly with my book reviews they will be less frequent and will probably happen each month or so. I would love it if you could give me drawing ideas or a book you think I should write about. Have fun and feel free to explore!
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